Athletics was great surprise for me.I was not expecting to be in the top heat for sprints.I certainly wasn't expecting to go to Inter-Intermediate Athletics.That was the only thing that was actually interesting(and long jump)but the rest I suck at.I suck at throwing and I didn't even do High Jump, for the last few events before relays it was the epitome of boredom.Before I nknew it 400m was up and I thought "Well what could happen".So I entered. At the end of the day I was pretty pleased with my performance.I came 1st and had a few seconds to spare.
Hi! I am a year 8 student at Havelock North Intermediate and my teacher is Mr Mitchell
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Thursday, 27 October 2016
We have made tin foil art inspired by Van Gogh's painting :Starry Night.Well mine looks absolutely nothing like it because I knew that I was too terrible at art.So I just did some random strokes and experimented with different techniques.This is the final product(It was really really easy).
The Start of my Writers Journal
The lights went out.Heartbeats fastened.Breathing quickened.The bunker shook and dust crumbled from the ceiling.Families clutched at each other.Faces white and alight with fear.A child was shrieking screaming calling for their mother and father.But there was nothing they could do.The bombing hadn’t stopped for hours.Sometimes it would stop and relief would start to seep through.But more violent shakes would crush any sense of hope.
Hours later the violence stopped.Families sobbing for lost ones.Their worlds would never quite be the same again.There would always be a fragment of their life lost amongst the burning flames.Nobody would ever quite forget the death and destruction.Tentatively the warden opened the door.Unlocking the many locks and hatches that spread over the door.
“A reminder that our town is still united”.The warden paused allowing the drama to spread.”Our town will carry on,and RISE from the dust,but it will never be the same.”The door opens and the warden ascends the grey,bleak concrete steps.Families clutching at their belongings.The long rise to freedom awaiting at the top.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Bibi Descriptions
Nobody will stand in her way.Not even looming military tanks.Bibi,the little desert warrior.But her courage doesn’t quite match her I.Q..Sass is limited by her smarts. Her amount of mature remarks reflects her age.But age and maturity is no restriction for skill.Her private little skillbox full of dazzling tricks.Considerably larger than her siblings.But unluckily for her her country is sexist.Woman and football just doesn’t gell together.Just like any 9 yr old she is easily bribed.But one thing you could not bribe her on is leaving your side.As reluctant as a mule.Even if you were dying.She would be there, till the last moment, your last living breath.
The families around her are wary of her often sudden aggression. Sensitive as she is it is hard to strike a mature conversation. Her family soon grow tired of her constant immature and aggravating remarks. She does not always tune in to the right station and often sees the small minded,the narrow minded picture. It is hard to make friends as she is bullish and reckless,often making idiotic remarks repelling people from her presence. Her favourite quotes seem to come from corny detective shows.”Camel Snot!”Jamal, her sibling is a favourable allie and will aid her in her time of need. As reluctant as a mule,she would not leave you behind and is faithful to the very last moment. Loki,the god of mischief seems to follow her around and takes her to the most unusual places
The war stricken desert lies out beyond the horizon , thousands of miles of a barren wasteland.Bibi stares out upon it from the edge of her town.A dangerous and depressing place to be.Home sweet home for the children of Afghanistan.A dusty broken house,just like the rest of them lays door closed windows shut.Her family’s lovely home.The secret school down in the basement,sounds more glamorous than it really is.Kind and loving father,what a daring man.His oven in the basement is used everyday, baking bread of the highest quality.Passed down century after century a bejeweled candlestick lies on the counter dust atop.Most of her precious belongings are rusty or cracked in places.If you looked close enough in her parents eyes,you could see the scars and the hardship the never ending war had established over them.Suitcases lie in the corner.Suggesting maybe it was time to leave this place.This home,to find another.
(One more paragraph but it's disappeared)
Friday, 14 October 2016
Physical Portrait
Deep blue eyes suggest a life that was once glamorous.Not any more.A receding hairline disappoints him everytime he looks in the mirror.An ashtray lies beside him.Grizzled ashen gray face has more wrinkles that a recycled newspaper.His crooked nose reflects his career.The only relationships he ever has have been blown to pieces.So to many people this man was a mystery.An unsolved puzzle with a lost piece.The rotten porch creaks beneath his weight.Glamour had become a life of poverty.If you get close enough the stench of smoke becomes more detectable.Slathers of holes lay upon his clothes. Trousers ripped at the knee and scuffed at the bottom.The elastic is stretched as far as it can go.As the public walk by he sneers and makes unrepeatable hand gestures,repelling them even further.His misery is a disease.It infects the people that are close to him,until they are no more.The glory of war was too much for him.But the aftermath even more so.What a mystery.
Solo Hour In Nature
The things you can do on your own.The things you can feel ,see, hear and experience is amazing.Just like my amazing bark throwing off the top of the tower.I mean in slo mo it would have looked awesome.I also made some sick beats(if you could hear me or say that in person you would hear the heavy hint of sarcasm)with the playground tower and it's bars and planks.You have to hear it and see it to believe.I tried to write something and do something valuable with my time,but I couldn't write because the sun made the page too bright.I also couldn't draw...well because I suck at it.
(I wasn't on the tower at this very moment I was trying to write)
(I wasn't on the tower at this very moment I was trying to write)
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Friday, 16 September 2016
Olympics Writing sample
We step up to the starting line.My entire body buzzing with excitement.I can’t believe that I am actually doing this.Somehow I can feel the suporters crouching around the televison hoping and wishing that their country would come back succesful.Butterflies invade my stomach.The time for glory was coming very soon.
This was it.My heartbeat slows,my prayers go up to the man in the sky.I could feel that a gold was coming my way.BANG!The gun goes off.The whole world slows.Time is irrelevant,The whole world seems to be calling my name.Time starts to get faster.I’m not ready,IM NOT READY!
My head bangs like a drum and I feel sick.But we’re off all the same.The other racers pull ahead but I’m not going to be pushed out of this race like an unwanted toy.I start to bring the heat up on the other racers.Like I’m the gas and their the pan.This was going to be difficult but I was going to win all the same
Legs working like an overweight joggers I start to pass the other competitors.I started to feel like this was going well.But tragedy always strikes at the best of times.I wipe the sweat off my brow and my concentration wavers.My mind slips and my ankle rolls.I cry out desprately and lash out at the closest thing to me.
As it happens the closest thing to me happened to be 3rd place.We both stumble and tumble over onto the soft synthetic lawn next to the track.But unluckily for me I just happened to land face first.In that moment I felt like giving up.But I just couldn’t.I had trained and trained and TRAINED for this.So now I was angry.But as it happens so was formerly third place.He roared like a wild animal and came charging at me.
But his anger spurs me on and I scramble up and onto my feet.His eyes bulged and his mouth hung open in a strange fashion.Both of us were running faster than ever before.But 2nd to last place was surely engraved into my tombstone.The bunch of runners in front of us loomed.
Suddenly I realised the crowd was chanting my name. The stadium seemed to bristle with the thought of me winning.It brightened my mind considerably.My mind set on not coming last I grimaced and turned up the heat even more.I was figuratively burning up.I begin to pant like a dog and my legs turn to jelly.A strange feeling creeps up on me.I beging to pass the other runners.They seem to all jump in shock.The other racer was still chasing me!The finishing line was in sight, my countries flag waves in the unrelenting breeze.1st place was surely in my sights.NEARLY THERE!!
Once again time slows and I stumble and fall.Gold was out of my sights possibly silver.Maybe even bronze.But all was not lost.
Paralympics writing
The sweat slowly drips down my forehead and tumbles and into the shadowy water below.A ripple spreads from the zone it fell into.The other racers silently waited for the buzzer to go.My prayers flow silently.My head rumbles with anticipation.A war rages on in my stomach.
Red falls across the screen.It fell to the box below and the box below.The last box.This it the moment I had been waiting for.TRAINING FOR.The world slows I turn my head.My coach gives me a reasuring grin.I put my poker face on and wait for the inevitable colour.GREEN.The buzzer blasts out a sound like a strangled goat.
We dive majestically into the deep blue water and submerge. My missing leg slows me down and for a moment I go nostalgic and watery, memories flood my head,but they fall away slowly like a petal from a flower or a leaf from a tree. It was a bad start and I knew it.So did my coach I don’t dare look up but I could sense him grinding his teeth and biting his fingernails.Angry and worried strange when put together.
The other swimmers were ahead and all hope was lost in my head.No postive thoughts were racing around inside.I could see my diasapointed fans in my mind.My family staring down at me laughing and mouthing cripple. Tears flood my eyes and mist my goggles, anger soon taking the better of me.
We reach the hard stone wall and thrust ourselves backwards in a flip like motion.The last lap was upon me and god I wish it wasn’t.The other racers were visibly starting to slow.Energy draining.There efforts starting to weaken.I came to a fork in the road hesitated but drove myself down the lane titled glory.My arms and leg were beating a rhythm worthy of a gold medal finish.Nothing could stop me now.I was coming to an absaloute thrashing.Nothing else was in the air abut from the excellent taste of victory. Everything was finally falling into place.The crowd shouted my name.Some even screamed.1st place was mine.What a glorious gold!
My coach leaps up and down and screams like a little girl.He was enjoying this even more than me.He gives a smug grin to the other coaches then ambles over to haul me out of the pool.”You did it”!The podium awaits my eyes avert from my coach and stare at in wonder at the cheering crowd.I trod over to the podium,coach gladfully giving a helping hand to bring me up.Joyfully we step up to the top step.The gold step but most importantly,the winning step.
A grin breaks out and my medal is placed around my neck.I cheer with the crowd and share a joyous occasion with thousands of people I barely know.But it is the best feeling in the world.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
This week we have just started constructing our emergency lights.We have all made or started to make our instructions .Our corflute is ready for our picture that reflects our stakeholder. We are also ready to start drilling our holes for our LED'S.
our holes for our LED'S. We have al
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Social Dancing
We had our first few lessons of Social Dancing this week.It can be fun,embarrasing and a certain measure of torture at the same time!It is absoloutely fascinating.We have learnt three line dances named Coconut Cream,Red Hot and Red Devil.We have also learnt one that you do with a partner called Ballroom Jack(that is by far the most embarrasing).
Brando Yelavich-Character Description

We have been learning about an amazing person named Brando Yelavich.This is a pretty brief description about him.
Olympic Diving Writing.
Diving.A popular pastime around the world.But also an intricate professional sport.It came from people jumping off man made or natural structures.Divers perform an incredible display of flips and moves to impress the adjuticators(judges).The adjudicators then score you on the difficulty and how well the diver performed.It was first introduced officially at the 1904 Olympic games.But it can be dangerous if not done properly.When diving you can hit the pool at a staggering speed of up to 34 mph.Even proffesionals can die.One of those unfortunate people was Sergei Chalbashvili who hit his neck on the 10m platform and fractured his skull.He died of heart failure.
Has diving been an Olympic Sport since ancient times or only recently?Diving became an Olympic sport at the 1904 St Louis Games.It was first known as fancy diving hence the routines full of somersaults and twists. In the 1908 Stockholm games Springboard events were added to the schedule.At first it was only men but two olympics after it was officially introduced Women’s diving made it’s debut featuring the games,at first it was only platform diving but in the 1920 Antwerp games the Women’s Springboard event featured for the first timeThe country with the most medals since Olympics has featured in the games is USA with 138 medals!(including Rio 2016)
Jumping off cliffs and rocks?How did Diving come to be?Diving first came to be when people started to get bored,so they thought let’s go and throw ourselves of that cliff!But seriously now,Diving was first played when people dived or jumped off man made structures or natural formations such as rocks or cliffs to amuse themselves .It was thought to have first been developed in the 1800s. The first recorded competition in the UK was in 1889 in Scotland.
Did diving come from India,Slovakia or even Ukraine?Diving was becoming a popular sport in Sweden and Germany and popularity all around the world was soon too follow.In the late 1890s Otto Hagborg and C F Mauritzi came to London to introduce Fancy Diving which was being developed in Sweden and Germany.Fancy Diving was when divers performed acrobatics in mid air before splashingdown skillfully. It became a popular pastime and gradually became a world renowned sport(now known plainly as diving).
So just to recap.It came from Sweden and Germany,It came from jumping off structures and formations and it has been in the Olympics since 1904.Diving.It is a sport that is constantly changing.Even the meaning of diving has developed over time,at the beginning a dive started when you first touch the water but now it means the process of leaping and springing into the water.So you never know what it will be like in the future….
To write this piece of writing we had to use a burger plan and research our topic.
Monday, 29 August 2016
Hidden Message
In Rm 9 we have been creating a hidden message kindly made by Miss Griffin.First of all we made patterns around the outside of the part of the message we got given.The next step was to colour in the part of the message we were given.So far it is like this because we can't find 20 and 28!!!!
Monday, 1 August 2016
First Day of Electronics Technology
In an emergency you need to have these four things in case of an emergency
1-Learn about disasters
2-Create and Practice a household emergency household loan
3-Assemble and maintain an emergency survival items
4-Have a getaway kit
In tech I am going to design an make some kind of light for an emergency
Friday, 29 July 2016
Quick writing
A beautiful exploding sky dazzles the occupants below.The bare grey concrete is tough beneath my feet.Frost covers the ground in blanket of white.The intense chill big Es at my fingers and toes.Numbness overwhelming my entire body.But it's worth it just for the sky.I wonder what makes the sky so colourful in the morning.So different from the rest of the day.The branches hanging low brush my hair.The playground looks eerie,empty and oh so rusty.The smell of grass freshens my senses.Engaging my muscles for the day ahead.The school seems strange without the hustle and bustle.But I can not carry on walking.The sky is too mesmerising.My bewildered stare stays put.
Monday, 4 July 2016
Design Technology:Ice Cream Van
These vans were created in design technology.We practiced multiple things like drawing lines and shading.I think I could have made the title larger and bolder so it could be seen from a distance.
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Video for Inquiry
These past few weeks we have been preparing a inquiry presentation in groups to present to the class.Ours was about the Circulatory System.
In our presentation we used this video from Kids Health
In our presentation we used this video from Kids Health
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Urinary System Writing
The urinary tract system. An interesting thing. I doubt you know much about it apart from the fact it ends with it coming out your...well you know. Well within these four paragraphs is as much as you need to know(and possibly all you want to know)about the urinary tract system.As you might know(unless your blind) your urine is a pale gold/yellowish colour.The urinary system is basically made up of five things.The kidney’s,urethra,ureters,bladder,and know what . The way it works is reasonably simple . Well when I say reasonably simple… the kidneys filter blood and take all those nasty toxins and chemicals and deposit them into the bladder through the two small tubes called ureters.Then the urethra carries it out into the toilet(well unless you don’t get there...)so pretty simple right. Although we haven’t got to the really technical part yet. When you’re dehydrated you may have noticed that the colour of your pee is slightly darker than usual the same happens when you have a kidney problem. The colour of your urine depends on what you have eaten, drank, inhaled and been exposed to.
Do you know why the colour of pee changes?I do. But that’s not the question. Do you? If not your answers are right here right now in this paragraph. Basically the standard colours for urine are different shades of yellow. It more or less depends on what you have eaten, drunk,inhaled and been exposed to. If dehydrated the colour of your pee turns a pretty revolting browny yellow. The colour of your pee can really vary. It can turn red(don’t worry not because of blood) because you have eaten too much rhubarb,beetroot and blueberries but personally I hate all of those things. Strange right? It can also turn a strange green or blue colour because of a rare genetic disease. If this happens too you don’t worry you won’t die or anything it could just be food colouring.
Your urine’s colour varies as explained in the paragraph before but can it tell if you have anything wrong with you? As a matter of fact it sometimes can! Urine is a clever thing. It’s like your bodies way of warning you that something is wrong. Of course there are other ways of your body warning you but we aren’t concentrating on any of those things. It can sometimes tell you if you have a kidney or liver problem. White blood cells can sometimes appear(this does not mean the colour of urine) which indicates an infection. But the most common reason for you urine colour changing is dehydration. Normal colour for urine=pale yellow-gold. Abnormal colour=Brown-dark-yellow.
Basically the urinary tract system is just the bodies ingenious way of removing nasty toxins and chemicals out of your bodies. The bodies ingenious way of telling you whether you have something wrong with you. Did you know that urine is not magical? That’s what one of my “reliable sources” told me.Yes it may be sterile but it’s not magical. That was possibly the best bit of info I have found out about the urinary system.Although I wish it was magical...Okay getting slightly off topic here. Hopefully you have learnt a lot about the urinary system and think it’s as weird as I do.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Friday, 15 April 2016
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Soldiers Tale ANZAC
Glory or Insanity?
Exhausted, dying and bloodshot the men trudge on slowly, a man behind me coughs violently and collapses into the dark sticky mud. The mist obscures the view of the enemy. All of us wishing for the end.
A bullet slams into my shoulder and blood spills out.
“RETREAT”! Blood spilling everywhere I start the short crawl back to the trench, pain eclipsing my view.
Drunk with fatigue the men once again stumble onwards some already collapsing.
Dirt shrouds the features of their face.
The men were brave once but they had been broken apart and had no souls.
Screams fill the air as another mist of bullets fall the soldiers in their tracks.
“GAS PUT YOUR MASKS ON FOR GOD SAKE GET YOUR MASKS ON”men frantically scrabble around.
One man was too late, he cried a bloodcurdling scream “SOMEBODY PLEASE”.
He didn’t finish the sentence, he coughs up a glob of blood and falls on top of me.
I push the bloody corpse of the soldier off me and slow my breathing.
Gas shrouds my view.”IS EVERYBODY OKAY”How many casualties?” “Just one sir”.
The soldiers squelch on through the dark sticky mud , the gas attacks the frail mentality of the soldiers.
Flashbacks plague my mind attacking at my brain like a gun.”PLEASE HELP ME”.
My comrade screams and coughs a huge glob of blood up it dribbles down his chest.
How would you feel if one of your best friends came crawling towards you asking for help.
Blood gurgling in his mouth and streaming down his chest.
Four men reluctantly picked him up and threw him on.
What if you saw every time the wagon hit a pothole blood come rushing up to his mouth.
The wagon hits another pothole, SQUELCH.
Blood comes frothing out of his mouth bubbling down his un-breathing corpse.
Every time it hits a pothole all of us brace not only for the impact but also for the disgusting sounds.
The blood drips down his body and onto the dirt.Why did I sign up for this?!
If you survived you would not be the same, if you died…well then you would be dead.
What if every time you went to sleep you heard the screams and groans of dying soldiers all around you.
You felt bullets whipping at you like a red hot poker.
What if you saw war every time you closed your eyes , would you call war glory,insanity or just plain stupidity?
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Pou Whenua designs
This week we have been designing Pou Whenua for Kotahitanga week.Everyone in the class designed four and in the end we made a google form and voted on which four we liked best. In the end we chose this one...
This design was designed by Nina but Carter,Anja and Benedict(me)helped create it.
(We helped because we were three how got the the 2nd 3rd and 4th most votes.
In RM 9 we have been learning about our identity and what makes us unique we all did collages of things that we like here is mine:)
P.E we do in Rm 9
These are photos of us playing Capture the Rugby Ball(similar to Capture the flag)here is the basic concept of the game: There are two teams and two rugby balls, the aim is to run across to the other team's ball and bring their ball back to the halfway line. It is a great quick game to play.
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
HNI Gold Book Goals for Term 1 & Term 2
My gold book goal for Terms 1 & Term 2 is to have a Technology Gold Award
I will achieve this by concentrating and working as hard as I can and doing my best work
By the end of Year 8 I would like to have a Sport Gold,Service Gold, Tech Gold and Academic Gold.
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